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About Rachel

Rachel believes she is here to transform and awaken herself and others by supporting, loving and inspiring people to realize and express their divine nature. She believes that  embodying a lifestyle of transformation is the key to her success and she is passionate about sharing her paths to success with others.


Rachel Petkus LAc. has been actively working as a healer for over 30 years. She has lived, worked and studied abroad in both Europe and Asia including a year in Korea and several months in China studying Acupuncture and Herbology. In addition, she has spent six months in India deepening her studies of Vipassena and Yoga. She is a licensed practitioner of Oriental Medicine, a certified Hatha Yoga Instructor (RYT 200 hrs) and has been highly influenced by Kundalini Yoga and 5 Rhythms dance therapy. With a B.A. in Art, she teaches a meditative spiritual form of art expression at her home and through online courses.


Rachel is a devoted mother and conscious parent. She spent five years working at a conscious parenting workshop Co-op. She is a deep lover of all things natural, a rock climber and a scuba diver.  She lovingly adores her two dogs and often helps heal animals with herbs, acupuncture and her psychic abilities.

As a Transformational Life Coach she uses a patented method of technology that helps move blocked energy and opens up a discovery into alignment with our greater truer most authentic self, allowing for greater ease and flow and higher productivity in life.


It is her belief that by uncovering this blocked energy and embracing who we are and what we are and how we express our divine nature we will experience true freedom and grace and ease....


"During a time in my life when I was questioning my professional direction, Rachel worked with me as a Transformational Life Coach.


I had been working two jobs. I had a content marketing consultancy business and I was involved with a startup. The startup was an exciting opportunity, but it was demanding and there wouldn’t be a financial payoff for some time (if ever). I was getting concerned that the startup wasn’t going anywhere and that I was allowing each job to be a distraction from the other, yet I was reluctant to let either one go.​

Rachel worked with me to explore the complexity of my feelings about my professional life and why I was choosing to split my time between two competing roles. Through our work together I was able to see that I was approaching my work from a place of fear. Fear that I wasn’t good enough, fear that I would never be financially successful, and ultimately a fear of failure. I was allowing this fear to drive my decisions and prevent me from enjoying my accomplishments.

I sat with this for a while, then a couple months later I decided to stop working on the startup and to focus wholeheartedly on my consulting business. I took on a new client who was so impressed with the results of my work that they gave me a great testimonial. This boosted my confidence that I was on the right path, helped me to land my next client, and I’ve been on a positive trajectory ever since.


Do I still feel fear? Of course. But Rachel helped me to see how it was affecting my choices, face it, and move past it to make more productive and powerful decisions about my own business and when interacting with clients.

Amy Wright,  Advanced Marketing Strategist 
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