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Life Coaching

Rachel Anne Petkus L.Ac is a recommended TLC Life Coach, by Dale Halaway, with Dale Halaway International. She has completed the qualifications required of her for a year long study with Dale to become a certified TLC Life Coach.


The TLC stands for Transformational Life Coach and this is very much what Rachel is! She has been leading as a Licensed Health Practitioner for 30yrs and all along the way fiercely devoted to her own transformation. Rachel met Dale at the start of 2017 after being divinely led to him and is a very devoted student having completed 15 of his seminars in these past 5 years.

She had been looking for a conscious business coach for sometime when she met Dale and then was somewhat chagrined to learn Dale had just finished his business series and was on to a series about relationships!! Doing her best to embrace a comment a fellow student made that, “ you always get what you need,” she decided to enroll in this series and was profoundly changed in such remarkable ways. Her transformation was accelerated and unlike anything she had experienced before. It was really true- when dedicated to our own transformation, we do really get everything (the right support) we need.

After a few months she was able to embody more of Dales teachings and embrace change as her new friend. Absolutely committed to every seminar and teaching that Dale has since offered. Her life has up leveled and in remarkable ways and she is now resolved in prioritizing transformation as a lifestyle. Her business and relationships continue to thrive and with the loving devotion of her committed love partner who embraces all aspects of her life as a mother, healer and transformational life coach, she is truly grateful for her blessed life.

When Dale announced his resolve to create a coaching business as part of the Dale Halaway International Network, she was over the moon with excitement on this. Having gotten the word from her guides several years prior to meeting Dale that she was to move her business online, she struggled with letting go of everything she had worked to accomplish on becoming a Practitioner of Oriental Medicine and a dedicated Acupuncturist. Guided by Dales teachings and embracing the inner work that was required of her to move into this new role in her life, not leaving all she had accomplished during her 30 yrs as a successful health practitioner, instead bringing her knowledge, wisdom, experience and expertise forward into her success as a Transformational Life Coach.

The TLC acronym is also a reminder of the coaches trained under Dale Halaway to always have a T.ender L.oving C.are approach when working with their clients. Dale teaches to lead from the heart and this is where Rachel shines.  Rachel believes she is here to transform and awaken herself and others by supporting, loving and inspiring people to realize and express their divine nature. She believes that embodying a lifestyle of transformation is the key to her success and she is passionate about sharing her paths to success with others.

As a current Transformational Life Coach, she has discovered her gifts in coaching specifically on Relationships and Money. She uses the patented method of technology, called the “Transcovery Process”, created by Dale Halaway, that helps move blocked energy and opens up a discovery into alignment with our greater truer most authentic self, allowing for greater ease and flow and higher productivity in life.

​It is her belief that by uncovering this blocked energy and embracing who we are and what we are and how we express our divine nature we will experience true freedom, grace and ease in every aspect of our lives.

In addition to the 30 plus years experience as an active and licensed healer Rachel has been involved in gaining numerous credentials in the healing arts and beyond which can be noted in her "About Rachel" section on her website Since she began her work with Dale Halaway and studying these teachings she has attended 15 seminars of his and has gained a tremendous amount of insight to deepen her own strength and courage and also to bring these teachings to others so they may have a more fulfilling life.

2017- Jan. 20-22 "Relationships and You"

2017- March 10-12 "Relationships and You"

2017- Aug. 11-13 "Relationships and You"

2017- Sept. 29-Oct. 31 "Money Mastery"

2018- Feb. 2-4 "Karmic Destiny"

2018- April 6-8 "Soul Success"

2018- July 25-30 "Coaching School For Friends and Family"

2018- Sept. 21-23 "Being Called Change"

2018- Oct. 6-7 "Living Authentically"

2019- Feb. 2-3 "Money Mastery"

2019- April 26-27 "Business School For Coaches"

2019- Sept. 20-22 "Advanced Coaching School"

2019- Nov. 20-24 "Master Quest-Transform Your Destiny"

2020- Feb. 28-March 1 "The Game Changer"

2020- July 17-19 "Transcendence"

2020- "Elevate" weekly support call 

2020- Oct 21-26 Self-Coaching Academy

2020- Dec. 4-6 “The Greater Self Awakening”

2021- March 26-28 “Return to Wholeness”

2021- May 21-23 “Transcendence”

2021- June 25-27 “Business School for Coaches”

2021- July 23-25 “Born to Rise”

2021- December 3-5 “Productivity Powerhouse”

2021- September 24-26 “Harmony Within”

2022- Jan. 13-16 “Advanced Coaching School”

2022- March 31-April 3 “Manifest Like a Master”


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